Theme and Happiness
The theme of life and pleasure is the essence necessary to enrich the way people live. We always try to add this element to every job. And we will bring a "firm will" to show our ability to our friends. If we can feel happiness as human beings, our business activities will have a more sustainable impact on the environment, society, and economy. We believe it will lead to more specific solutions and more global activities. Pursuing people's reason to live we will find the richness of society and it will change to love for the earth. I will always remember to do self-study for that purpose, and I continue to explore the reason why I'm working.
Everything you can imagine is possible. When you expend your horizon you may be able to find an idea that changes society. If we show our dignity as humans and move things in a positive direction, we need to follow our own "conscience" and pursue "Freewill". We live by respecting people, caring for people, and make decisions and live our lives by our freewill on every occasion. We believe that innovative ideas can emerge from our freewill and that these ideas can be better for the prosperity of the whole earth and transform it for the better.
We truly believe in an environment where you can freely decide how you work (in regards to the goal, time, place and reward). This is the result of the "continuous effort" that the organization and its associates have accumulated. An organization consists of the morals of every individual associated with it, and it's understood that the selfish behavior of an individual can easily break the balance. That's why we swear to always be morale, cherish all stakeholders, and respect teamwork.
Now or Never
We will keep in mind that great success always involves risk, and we will continue to use courages and take challenge without fear of failure. We will be a person who is excited about future success and one who isn't searching for a reason why it can't be done or thinking of excuses for failure. Do you do it now, or will you never do it? I swear to believe in myself, not to be betrayed by a harmonious society, not afraid, to realize the ideas I have thought off with my freewill.
We will continue to do simple things achievable by everyone as a true professional every day, set high goals and make plans accordingly. If you won't do anything and leave yourself to the flow nothing around you will ever change. We believe that we can achieve goals that are seemingly impossible at first, therefore we need to learn from our experiences. If a person has the same aspiration he can become a companion, "a partner".
The division free system allows our employees to freely switch between divisions. We strive to provide an environment for our employees to work freely based on their efforts and their free will.
Our Main office is located in Tokyo with branches in Canada, Germany and America. We are active in countries worldwide. Location free does not simply mean anyone can work wherever he likes to. It is applicable only to the ones that have exceptional performance with a high evaluation. They get the freedom to manage themselves and start their own business.
Determine your own salary - that is exatly what it sounds like. Obviously this can only be achieved through efforts and a trust relationship. We want to be fair to our employees and reward their efforts. For anyone who twice in a row exceeds evaluation points (34~) .
The global business training gives our employees the opportunity to attend meetings with our CEO during oversa trips and lets them deploy what they learned in training. Our employees frequently have the opportunity to join our Executive Boards discussions and debates. Whenever one of our managing members plans a trip, he will with close to 100% probablity give any employee the chance to raise his hand and join.
A global business person is someone who can work confidently anywhere in the world, who is continuously delivering high performance, can communicate cross-culturally, has deep knowledge about business and is a valuable partner to anyone he or she works with.
To support continuous learning and skill-up, we pay up to 10,000 JPY for certifications our employees have gotten. Furthermore, we support with up to 5000 JPY the purchase of learning materials. * not applicable to certifications included in the hiring requirements
Special holidays available for anyone who has less than 3 paid holidays left. Allows our employees to rest without using up their paid holidays. The free-off system was born out of our belief, that Outstanding people are created by free will. They should be free to travel, rest the whole day, eat delicious food, breath in fresh air and visit the sea or mountains to refresh their minds.
As a sign of our appreciation and gratitude to our employees that have been with us for more than 3,5 years we suprise them with a travel coupon at our year-end assembly. Employees that work with us for a long time, are our most precious resource. The longer we spent time with them, the more we see ourselves as a friend or supportive family member. The eenen system was created in the hope that they can use the travel to enjoy some time with their loved ones and friends.
The opportunity of a raise every three month. Anyone who passes the minimum of HR Evaluation Points. This standard is no problem for anyone who adheres to the obvious such as greeting people. 90% of our employees clear this threshold.
- Innovation Session -
On our General Assembly held every 3 months our employees can pitch their idea and gain members joining them to make their idea come true.
We facilitate innovation spreading by hosting BORDERLESS Discussions, where members from all industries, different backgrounds come together to discuss current problems and possible solutions. Once a year we assemble members from IT, startups, NPOs, creatives from everywhere to discuss and gather ideas. 。
Once a year we escape from Tokyo’s Concrete Jungle to a place full of nature: Nagano. We spend a weekend together with the whole team to bond, enjoy nature, learn and to be creative together.
Whenever our chairman Hal Amano, who's been working in Silicon Valley for more than 40 years, comes to Japan, he will deliver business training to our employees. Furthermore, we have implemented an overseas internship program enabling our employees to gain further experience abroad working for international IT companies.